Inside Me 

I have always loved watching films, especially the “behind the scenes” featurettes. Even as a young child, I was drawn to the world of images and movies and discovered that I could find Waldo no matter where in the world he was hiding. I see what’s hidden, the tiniest most obscure details, the missing pieces. I see from the inside out. God wired me this way so that I would be able to reveal the essence of his creation; that which is lurking beneath the surface within us human beings and throughout the natural world that surrounds us.

My ability to see has grown through classroom instruction and travel to far away places. As I sojourned through Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia and South America, I documented the natural beauty that surrounded me as well as people of different ethnicities, occupations and religions. As I photographed and filmed my surroundings, I discovered that my un-intimidating, gregarious ways allowed people of all races and societal status to relax in my presence, so that I could capture a portion of their true being and circumstances.

It’s taken years for me to realize that I was not only divinely created for a specific purpose but that all that I have experienced along the way has prepared me for this purpose. Born dyslexic, processing and navigating a world run by words is immensely challenging but God has supplied me with a different means of expressive and receptive processing all together that has been honed through perseverance and diligence while the challenges of dyslexia have shaped me into a more compassionate and sensitive person.Thus, I am ready to be a voice for the voiceless through my unique way of seeing and documenting the world.

 My hope and prayer is that my “Inside Out Reels and Images” will open your eyes to the unseen faces, stories and circumstances all around us.